VIVA the Working Jack Russell Terrier!!
Great Athletes, Hunters, Comedians, Loyal & Loving Friends

Members of the JRTCA

Available Pups and Adults


Mari and her Daughter Texanna
Four National Wins as Best Mama

Mari & Texanna

Texanna  Wins 2016 National Best Mama for the Second Time


High Range Family of Terriers and Friends

2014 Nationals

Our Queen- High Range Marianna

High Range Marianna JRTCA National Champion

JRTCA 2014 National Best Veteran
JRTCA 2014 National Best Three Generations
(3rd time)

2013 Best Three Generations
JRTCA 2009 National Best Female and Pups (Bitch and Produce)
JRTCA 2009 Reserve Best Veteran
JRTCA 2008 National Best Female and Pups (Bitch and Produce)
JRTCA 2008 National Best Three Generations (Mother, Son and Grandson)
JRTCA 2005 National Best Open Terrier & Best Female

Joannah and Gem Are Bred to Valor

Expect Pups in mid-May 2017

High Range Senorita Wins National Go to Ground Championships in Five Countries
US (JRTCA), Canada, Puerto Rico, Finland and Sweden!!!!

Congratulations to Senorita and her owner John Miranda of NYC shown here with Jack Batzer at High Range.

High Range Jack Russells lead a vigorous country life on our family’s 115 year-old working cattle ranch in the highlands of West Texas and in the Lost Pines of Bastrop County, South of Austin. We now spend most of our time in between Austin, San Antonio and Houston in the unusual Lost Pines near the Colorado River in Bastrop County.

Lovely Lillianna aka Lil

For over one hundred years, our family had strived to breed top performance genetics in Hereford cattle. With the same professional purpose, we are dedicated to preserving the breed integrity for the unique Jack Russell enormous dog in a small white body!!!!

Without children, our Jack Russells are family ... 
with us everywhere on the ranch and in our home.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a uniquely versatile, endearing and challenging breed. We are proud to work, breed, show and constantly enjoy this handsome, intelligent, quirky, courageous, whirlwind of a dog.

Members of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA), we strongly support the JRTCA’s mission to preserve, protect and work the Jack Russell Terrier. We endorse the JRTCA Breeders Code of Ethics. 

Kathleen White is an officer of the JRT Genetic Research Foundation and a former member of the JRTCA Breeders Committee. Join the JRTCA if you are not a member. (See the JRTCA web site at

Jack Russells can make devoted and incomparably loving family dogs in the home. Prospective owners, however, must understand the working heritage and thus the distinctive needs of this breed. Developed more than a century ago in the United Kingdom, the Jack Russell was bred to hunt deep underground --- to bolt, hold, or even battle with subterranean creatures especially the red fox. 

The typical Jack Russell has strong instincts to chase quarry, go-to-ground (as in disappear in a hole or pipe or laundry shoot or car engine!!!!) or tenaciously grip. This working heritage has engendered the JRT’s keen need for exercise, attention and reliable containment. Most Jack Russells want to be as close to their owners as possible... physically and psychologically. Jack Russell ownership requires commitment. If you are prepared for a lively dog in your face instead of asleep in the corner, the Jack Russell terrier could be the breed for you!!!!

High Range Jack Russells Perform in the Field

Jack Russell Terrier sitting in a dugout
Tip Top in an earth. Terrier is from the 
Latin word "terra", meaning "of the earth".
(Photo by D. Hufnagel)

We aim to maintain working instincts, functional structure and natural hunting experience in our terriers. High Range JRT’s are regularly worked underground to a variety of quarry.

High Range Jack Russells Perform in Competition

High Range Nina Fox Run Scamper of High Range

We compete at JRTCA sanctioned terrier trials across the country. High Range Jack Russells have have won championships too numerous to list in 12 different states, from Arizona to New York.

High Range Jack Russells Perform in the Home

Breeding and raising pups to become family companions and devoted friends are top priorities. High Range pups are raised in our home with lots of attention and socialization. All pups are guaranteed in writing.

High Range Jack Russells Perform in Production

We strongly endorse the JRTCA Breeders Code of Ethics. We feel responsible for every High Range Jack Russell puppy throughout its life. We strive for excellence and genetic consistency in conformation, disposition, health and hunting instincts. 

If you are interested in learning more about our exceptional working Jack Russell Terriers, upcoming litters or stud services, please call or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!

High Range Jack Russell Terriers
Kathleen and Beau White
2438 FM 535
Rosanky, Texas
78953  USA
Ph: (830) 839-4666
E-mail: [email protected]

This web site was last updated on 08/21/2017
Copyright © 2001-2017 High Range Jack Russell Terriers
All rights reserved